Scripture Bible Quotes To Help You Understand What Passover | Pesach Is And Why It Is Important

Scripture Bible Quotes To Help You Understand What Passover | Pesach Is And Why It Is Important

Scripture Bible Quotes To Help You Understand What Passover | Pesach Is And Why It Is Important

In the tapestry of religious observances, few occasions hold as much significance and historical richness as Passover, or Pesach. As we delve into the sacred scriptures, we unravel the profound essence of this ancient celebration through "Scripture Bible Quotes To Help You Understand What Passover | Pesach Is And Why It Is Important." 

Join us on a spiritual journey through the verses that encapsulate the essence of Passover, exploring its roots, significance, and the timeless messages embedded in the Bible. As we traverse the pages of scripture, we aim to shed light on the meaning behind this venerable observance, discovering the wisdom that has guided generations in commemorating the liberation and resilience of a people. 

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Spread joy this Passover with our beautifully designed Passover greeting card printable PDF, perfect for sending warm wishes to your loved ones effortlessly and instantly!

Let these scripture quotes be a gateway to a deeper understanding of Passover, enriching your connection to this sacred tradition and its enduring importance.

"Adonai said to Moshe and Aharon, “This is the regulation for the pesach lamb: no foreigner is to eat it."

Exodus 12:43

“Let the people of Isra’el observe pesach at its designated time."

Numbers 9:2

"Moshe told the people of Isra’el to observe Pesach."

Numbers 9:4

"In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, is Adonai’s pesach."

Numbers 28:16 (vi) 

"The day after Pesach they ate what the land produced, matzah and roasted ears of grain that day."

 Joshua 5:11

"But in the eighteenth year of King Yoshiyahu this Pesach was observed to Adonai in Yerushalayim."

2 Kings 23:23

"When your children ask you, ‘What do you mean by this ceremony?"

Exodus 12:26

"It was about noon on Preparation Day for pesach. He said to the Judeans, “Here’s your king!”

John 19:14

"It was almost time for the festival of pesach in Y’hudah, so Yeshua went up to Yerushalayim."

John 2:13

"Now the Judean festival of pesach was coming up;"

John 6:4 

“‘Here is how you are to eat it: with your belt fastened, your shoes on your feet and your staff in your hand; and you are to eat it hurriedly. It is Adonai’s pesach [Passover]."

Exodus 12:11

"They began their journey from Ram’ses in the first month. On the fifteenth day of the first month, the morning after the pesach, the people of Isra’el left proudly in view of all the Egyptians;"

Numbers 33:3

“Observe the month of Aviv, and keep pesach to Adonai your God; for in the month of Aviv, Adonai your God brought you out of Egypt at night."

Deuteronomy 16:1 

"You are to sacrifice the pesach offering from flock and herd to Adonai your God in the place where Adonai will choose to have his name live."

Deuteronomy 16:2

"You are not to offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread, and the sacrifice of the feast of pesach is not to be left until morning."

Exodus 34:25

“In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, between sundown and complete darkness, comes pesach for Adonai."

Leviticus 23:5

"So they observed Pesach at dusk on the fourteenth day of the month in the Sinai Desert; the people of Isra’el acted in accordance with all that Adonai had ordered Moshe."

Numbers 9:5

"They are to leave none of it until morning, and they are not to break any of its bones — they are to observe it according to all the regulations of pesach."

Numbers 9:12

"And whichever house he enters, tell him that the Rabbi says, ‘Where is the guest room for me, where I am to eat the pesach meal with my talmidim?"

Mark 14:14 

"Every year Yeshua’s parents went to Yerushalayim for the festival of pesach. When he was twelve years old, they went up for the festival, as custom required."

Luke 2:41-42

"But the festival of Matzah, known as pesach, was approaching; and the head cohanim and the Torah-teachers began trying to find some way to get rid of Yeshua, because they were afraid of the people."

Luke 22:1-2

"Now while Yeshua was in Yerushalayim at the pesach festival, there were many people who “believed in his name” when they saw the miracles he performed."

John 2:23

"Then came the day of matzah, on which the passover lamb had to be killed. Yeshua sent Kefa and Yochanan, instructing them, “Go and prepare our Seder, so we can eat.”

Luke 22:7-8

"However, you have a custom that at passover I set one prisoner free. Do you want me to set free for you the ‘king of the Jews’?”

John 18:39 

“Here is how you are to eat it: with your belt fastened, your shoes on your feet and your staff in your hand; and you are to eat it hurriedly. It is Adonai’s Pesach [passover]."

Exodus 12:11

"The people of Isra’el camped at Gilgal, and they observed pesach on the fourteenth day of the month, there on the plains of Yericho."

Joshua 5:10

"The king issued this order to all the people: “Observe pesach to Adonai your God, as written in this scroll of the covenant.”

2 Kings 23:21 

"For pesach had not been so observed since the days when the judges ruled Isra’el — not during the times of any of the kings of Isra’el or of the kings of Y’hudah."

2 Kings 23:22

“On the fourteenth day of the first month you are to have the pesach, a feast seven days long; matzah will be eaten."

Ezekiel 45:21

"When Yeshua had finished speaking, he said to his talmidim, “As you know, pesach is two days away, and the Son of Man will be handed over to be nailed to the execution-stake.”

Matthew 26:1-2

“Go into the city, to so-and-so,” he replied, “and tell him that the Rabbi says, ‘My time is near, my talmidim and I are celebrating pesach at your house.”

Matthew 26:18

"It was now two days before pesach (that is, the festival of Matzah), and the head cohanim and the Torah-teachers were trying to find some way to arrest Yeshua surreptitiously and have him put to death;"

Mark 14:1 

"The Judean festival of pesach was near, and many people went up from the country to Yerushalayim to perform the purification ceremony prior to pesach."

John 11:55

"Six days before pesach, Yeshua came to Beit-Anyah, where El‘azar lived, the man Yeshua had raised from the dead;"

John 12:1

"It was just before the festival of pesach, and Yeshua knew that the time had come for him to pass from this world to the Father. Having loved his own people in the world, he loved them to the end."

John 13:1

"You may not sacrifice the pesach offering in just any of the towns that Adonai your God is giving you; but at the place where Adonai your God will choose to have his name live — there is where you are to sacrifice the pesach offering, in the evening, when the sun sets, at the time of year that you came out of Egypt."

Deuteronomy 16:5-6

"It is the sacrifice of Adonai’s pesach [Passover], because [Adonai] passed over the houses of the people of Isra’el in Egypt, when he killed the Egyptians but spared our houses.’” The people of Isra’el bowed their heads and worshipped."

 Exodus 12:27

"If a foreigner staying with you wants to observe Adonai’s pesach, all his males must be circumcised. Then he may take part and observe it; he will be like a citizen of the land. But no uncircumcised person is to eat it."

Exodus 12:48

"But the person who is clean and not on a trip who fails to observe Pesach will be cut off from his people; because he did not bring the offering for Adonai at its designated time, that person will bear the consequences of his sin." 

Numbers 9:13

"If a foreigner is staying with you and wants to observe Pesach for Adonai, he is to do it according to the regulations and rules of Pesach — you are to have the same law for the foreigner as for the citizen of the land."

Numbers 9:14

"It was now two days before pesach (that is, the festival of Matzah), and the head cohanim and the Torah-teachers were trying to find some way to arrest Yeshua surreptitiously and have him put to death; for they said, “Not during the festival, or the people will riot.”

Mark 14:1-2

"They led Yeshua from Kayafa to the governor’s headquarters. By now it was early morning. They did not enter the headquarters building because they didn’t want to become ritually defiled and thus unable to eat the pesach meal."

John 18:28

"When your children ask you, ‘What do you mean by this ceremony?’ say, ‘It is the sacrifice of Adonai’s Pesach [passover], because [Adonai] passed over the houses of the people of Isra’el in Egypt, when he killed the Egyptians but spared our houses.’” The people of Isra’el bowed their heads and worshipped."

Exodus 12:26-27

Scripture Bible Quotes To Help You Understand What Passover - Pesach Is And Why It Is Important

Credit: Pexels

All scripture references have been obtained from The Complete Jewish Bible.

You Deserve To Be Free | Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom | Passover Quotes To Inspire You

You Deserve To Be Free | Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom | Passover Quotes To Inspire You

You Deserve To Be Free | Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom | Passover Quotes To Inspire You

In life, the pursuit of freedom is a timeless and universal yearning. It echoes through the corridors of history, resonating with the triumphs of those who have broken the chains of oppression and embraced the liberating embrace of autonomy. Whether it's the quest for personal liberation or the collective yearning for freedom, the journey towards emancipation is a narrative that spans cultures and generations.

In our quest to inspire and ignite the flame of motivation within, we delve into the essence of freedom with a collection of powerful Passover quotes. Passover, a celebration of liberation and renewal, serves as a poignant backdrop to infuse our spirits with the courage to break free from whatever confines us. "You Deserve To Be Free | Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom | Passover Quotes To Inspire You" is more than a collection of words; it's a rallying call to reclaim your autonomy and stride boldly towards the life you deserve.

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Spread joy this Passover with our beautifully designed Passover greeting card printable PDF, perfect for sending warm wishes to your loved ones effortlessly and instantly!

Join us as we explore the wisdom encapsulated in these quotes, drawn from the rich tapestry of Passover traditions. May these words be a source of motivation, guiding you towards the liberation you deserve and inspiring you to embrace the freedom that is rightfully yours. It's time to break free, to soar above limitations, and to embrace a life that reflects the true essence of your being. You deserve to be free, and this collection of quotes is here to kindle the spark that will light your path to liberation.

"Passover affirms the great truth that liberty is the inalienable right of every human being." 
Morris Joseph

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

Printable Jewish Greeting Cards To Send To Your Family, Loved Ones And Friends

"Passover is a time of reflection and joy. When we emerge from our cocoon of doubt to fly freely on the wings of faith."
 - Unknown

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

"I love Passover because for me it is a cry against indifference, a cry for compassion.” 

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

Creating Lasting Memories With Printable Jewish Greeting Cards

"The point of cleaning for Pesach is to remember that we are leaving Egypt, leaving the things that constrict us spiritually."

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

"Freedom is within our grasp, and Pesach reminds us that we need to reach.” 

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

From Bar Mitzvahs To Weddings: Printable Jewish Greeting Cards For Life's Milestones

"Jews who long have drifted from the faith of their fathers… are stirred in their inmost parts when the old, familiar Passover sounds chance to fall upon their ears." 

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

"I suppose I am remembering Passover as a way to remind myself that the struggle for freedom is as old as time. That there are always others who yet need to be delivered."

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

Making A Statement With Printable Jewish Greeting Cards For Business And Professional Use

"Passover is the story of the liberation of body and spirit. In it comes a lesson of humility that belief in something larger than ourselves, in this case God, can free us from the bondage of our primitive instincts and those of others."

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

"Passover is one of my favorite times of the year. This is when the whole community and family gets together to remember who we are and why we are here." 
Jennifer Wanger

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

Celebrating Jewish Holidays With Printable Greeting Cards

"Passover is our tradition, and I like to keep up with that. Our ancestors couldn’t eat bread, and it’s nice for us to celebrate that every year by going through their struggles.” 
Marsha Cohen

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

"Passover has a message for the conscience and the heart of all mankind. For what does it commemorate? It commemorates the deliverance of a people from degrading slavery, from most foul and cruel tyranny. And so, it is Israel’s—nay, God’s protest against unrighteousness, whether individual or national.”

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

DIY Printable Jewish Greeting Cards

"The message of Passover remains as powerful as ever. Freedom is won not on the battlefield but in the classroom and the home. Teach your children the history of freedom if you want them never to lose it."
Jonathan Sacks

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

"Today, Passover is a festival of freedom….Passover remains relevant and contemporary, while at the same time a ritual several thousand years old…. The content—at least some of it—is flexible and determined by the participants at specific celebrations. Thus, the holy day is still meaningful to younger generations, because it allows for creative input and participation. It breathes."
Jack Santino

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

The Importance Of Sending Jewish Greeting Cards And Where To Find Them

“The Passover story is the Jewish people’s original story of becoming
strangers in a strange land. It is the story that reminds us that we, too, have
stood in the shoes of refugees and asylum seekers in search of safety and
liberty. As we lift our voices in song and prayer, we call out together with those who long to be free. This year, there are still many who struggle towards liberation; next year, may we all be free.” 

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

"The meal so simple, so meagre, rallies about it as of yore the members of the family, and with them their enthusiasm for the ancient faith. The scattered, even the indifferent, answer to the call of the Passover.” 
Morris Joseph

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

As we reach the culmination of our exploration into the profound realm of freedom, guided by the illuminating words of Passover quotes, we find ourselves standing at the threshold of a transformative journey. "You Deserve To Be Free | Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom | Passover Quotes To Inspire You" is not merely a collection of inspirational phrases; it is a beacon that beckons you towards a life of autonomy, self-discovery, and fulfillment.

In the tapestry of our lives, the threads of freedom are intricately woven, and the quotes from Passover serve as a powerful loom, crafting a narrative of liberation. As you reflect on the timeless wisdom encapsulated in these words, may you find the strength to break free from the shackles that bind you. Let the spirit of Passover infuse your being with the courage to embrace change, to overcome obstacles, and to stride confidently towards a future defined by your authentic self.

Remember, the journey towards freedom is both personal and collective. Each step you take towards your own liberation contributes to the collective tapestry of human empowerment. As we conclude this exploration, may the echoes of Passover's message linger in your heart, reminding you that you deserve to be free—free to dream, free to aspire, and free to live a life that aligns with your true essence.

Embrace the wisdom of these quotes, carry the torch of motivation, and let the spirit of freedom guide you on your path. The journey is yours, and the destination is a life where you are unapologetically, authentically, and beautifully free.

You Deserve To Be Free - Get Motivated To Gain Your Freedom - Passover Quotes To Inspire You

Credit: Pexels

You Can Get Free From Fear - For Those Afraid To Get Their Freedom - Passover Inspiration

You Can Get Free From Fear - For Those Afraid To Get Their Freedom - Passover Inspiration

You Can Get Free From Fear - For Those Afraid To Get Their Freedom - Passover Inspiration

Fear is not all bad. Fear can be good or bad. It all depends on what one fears and the effects of that fear on one's quality of life. Fear at the basic level is what helps with our fight, flight or freeze response when we are faced with various stimuli. The word of God also encourages us to fear God because it is good for us. 

“So now, Isra’el, all that Adonai your God asks from you is to fear Adonai your God, follow all his ways, love him and serve Adonai your God with all your heart and all your being; 13 to obey, for your own good, the mitzvot and regulations of Adonai which I am giving you today."

Deuteronomy 10:12-13

May This Passover Bring You Renewed Faith, Hope And Blessings Beyond Measure Pesach Greeting Card Printable Instant Download Jewish Design Image
Spread joy this Passover with our beautifully designed Passover greeting card printable PDF, perfect for sending warm wishes to your loved ones effortlessly and instantly!

However, fear can become negative when: 

- It holds you back from doing positive things.

- It causes you to sin against God.

- It leads to anxiety and depression.

- It paralyzes and prevents you from moving forward.

- It makes you a slave.

Fear that is left unmanaged can eventually lead you not only to feeling like a slave but an actual slave and that is why you need to be free from the negative effects of fear. 

If fear has been holding you back, paralyzing you or preventing you from moving forward, rest assured you are not alone. Fear among other things is what caused the Israelites to be slaves for 430 years while they were living in Egypt. Despite the debilitating effects of fear, you don't need to be a slave to fear. You can gain freedom from fear. 

Moshe answered the people, “Stop being so fearful! Remain steady, and you will see how Adonai is going to save you. He will do it today — today you have seen the Egyptians, but you will never see them again! 14 Adonai will do battle for you. Just calm yourselves down!”

Exodus 14:13-14

The beautifully powerful story of passover is the story of moving from fear to freedom. It's the message of God helping the Israelites become free from fear. It's God's promise of moving you from slavery to deliverance. 

God was able to deliver the Israelites from 430 years of slavery and fear and he is able to deliver you too. You just need to put all your trust in God's ability to deliver you. 

Don't allow fear to hold you back. Allow God to deliver you from your fear. Become free from fear today.

You can read the passover story from the Torah (Exodus: 1 - 12) and learn how God used Moshe to help deliver the children of Israel from fear and slavery

You Can Get Free From Fear - For Those Afraid To Get Their Freedom - Passover Inspiration

Credit: Pexels

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Purim | How To Turn Your Bravery And Courage From Zero To Hero

Purim | How To Turn Your Bravery And Courage From Zero To Hero

Purim | How To Turn Your Bravery And Courage From Zero To Hero

Is your courage and bravery at zero right now especially with everything that is going on in the world namely wars, pain, pandemics, oppression, natural disasters etc? 

Do you find yourself in situations and scenarios where you could use a little more courage and bravery.Well, we can all learn from Esther's story of bravery and courage and the Purim festival. 

Just like Esther, you can make a difference in a world where everything seems to be going awry. Like Esther you can become a hero or heroine, triumphing over the harshest and hardest difficulties in the world.

The story of Queen Esther in the book of Esther found in the Bible, is a true testament to the power of even the most vulnerable among us to be victorious.

The purim festival, which is a Jewish holiday and celebration that is celebrated each year on the 14th and 15th of Adar is a great reminder of not only Adonai's great power and majesty but also his ability to use ordinary people to achieve extraordinary feats. 

You can celebrate the Purim festival this year by sharing beautiful greeting cards with your family and friends. You can share free cards found here or get a printable card you can print and share physically here.

Chag Purim Sameach!

Purim - How To Turn Your Bravery And Courage From Zero To Hero

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  1 Peter 5:7 Cast All Your Anxiety On Him Because He Cares For You: Discover Transforming Healing Peace #Yeshua #Jesus #Peace...