What You Should Do When You Don't Feel Like Continuing To Pray


What You Should Do When You Don't Feel Like Continuing To Pray

I know there are times in our walk of faith when it's difficult to pray and yet those are the times when we need to pray most.

So even when you don't feel like praying, you have to keep on praying. 

What You Should Do When You Don't Feel Like Continuing To Pray

Credit: Pexels

If you can't say your own words, you can pray the psalms or even just say the Lord's prayer.

Psalm 23, Psalm 91, Psalm 121 are wonderful prayers you can say in times when it's hard to talk to God.

We know that God answers prayers. We know God hears prayers. 

However sometimes our prayers are not answered because we are not walking in obedience to the word of God and there is sin in our life.

It is therefore important to remove the sin from our life so that our prayers are not hindered from being answered.

So, what should you do if you don't feel like praying? Pray anyway! 

Don't let your flesh overcome your spirit.


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