Chazaret - A Great Reminder Of God's Power To Turn Slavery Into Freedom

Chazaret - A Great Reminder Of God's Power To Turn Slavery Into Freedom

Chazeret is a second bitter herb that is eaten during the Passover Seder meal. It is typically represented by romaine lettuce, although some communities may use other bitter greens such as endive or chicory.

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During the Seder, the chazeret is usually eaten in combination with the maror, which is another bitter herb that is typically represented by horseradish. The chazeret is eaten to fulfill the biblical commandment to eat bitter herbs as a reminder of the bitterness of slavery in Egypt.

The chazeret is usually prepared by washing and drying the lettuce leaves, and then placing them on the Seder plate alongside the other symbolic foods. During the Seder, the leader of the Seder will instruct the participants to eat the chazeret along with the maror, usually by wrapping the two herbs together in a piece of matzo or eating them separately.

Chazaret - A Great Reminder Of God's Power To Turn Slavery Into Fredom


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