Kosher Green Tea | Cooking Jewish Food Diets And Cuisines

Kosher Green Tea | Cooking Jewish Food Diets And Cuisines

Kosher Green Tea | Cooking Jewish Food Diets And Cuisines

Let's make a delicious cup of green tea!


- 1 green tea bag
- 1 cup of hot water
- Honey or sugar (optional)


1. Boil the water in a kettle or on the stovetop until it's hot but not boiling.
2. Pour the hot water into a cup.
3. Place the green tea bag into the cup of hot water.
4. Let the tea steep for about 2-3 minutes. This means leaving the tea bag in the water so it can infuse and create a flavorful tea.
5. After steeping, you can remove the tea bag from the cup.
6. If you like your tea sweet, you can add a teaspoon of honey or sugar to taste. Stir well until it dissolves.
7. Now your green tea is ready to enjoy!

Kosher Green Tea | Cooking Jewish Food Diets And Cuisines

Serving size: 

1 cup of green tea

Nutritional values: 

Green tea is low in calories and contains antioxidants that are good for your body.

Calorie count: 

Approximately 0 calories (without honey or sugar)

Estimated cooking time: 

Less than 5 minutes

Enjoy your refreshing cup of green tea!


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